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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Most Recent Surveys Unveil, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano are the Most Favorite Cryptocurrencies of Singapore's Investors.

A recently conducted survey exposes that ethereum is the most famous Cryptocurrency among more than 4,000 grown-ups studied in Singapore. The second-most famous crypto is bitcoin, trailed via Cardano. 

Singapore-Based Cryptocurrency Investors Prefer Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cardano 

The newly published report of  2021 discloses about the 

 Most favorite Cryptocurrencies of the people of Singapore, a joint report by Cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers like Seedly, Gemini, and well-known Coinmarketcap, was revealed on  Monday. It contains an overview of 4,348 Singapore-based grown-ups ages 18 to 65 across fluctuating family wages. 

A survey was conducted between June 29 and July 9. It included almost 2,800 participants who said they were current crypto holders and 1,490 respondents who said they were non-crypto holders. One out of five crypto holders reviewed were females.

As per the survey results, 77% of participants who held crypto said they invested in ethereum (ETH), 68% said bitcoin (BTC), 41% said they stored Cardano (ADA), 31% said (BNB), and 25% said XRP. The report reflects.

The report notes: "With ETH, BTC, and ADA being the most well-known digital currencies across the two sexes, females hold and exchange XRP and DOT [polkadot] more than their male partners. USDT [tether], then again, is more mainstream among male crypto holders." 

Cryptocurrency Investors additionally unhid how they were influenced by the Covid-19. The report notes, "Out of 2,862 individuals who put resources into crypto, 66% of them put more into crypto in light of the Covid-19 pandemic." The report also shows "The Covid-19  has made more Singaporeans to hold their financial investment into Cryptocurrencies." 

What's your opinion on this overview? Tell us in the remarks segment underneath.

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