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Showing posts with label bitcoin in uk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bitcoin in uk. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Crypto Assets and NFTs Blocked by The UK Authorities


The United Kingdome’s HM Revenue and Customs department disclosed on Monday that their officials have blocked and seized three different (NFT) Non-fungible Tokens and crypto’s worth of 5K Pounds Sterling’s in and under investigation scam case. Moreover, three people have also been taken into the custody of UK authorities in connection with the same scam.  

The UK officials from the Tax, payments and Customs department further disclosed that It was the first-ever taken step against the closure of NFT’s and Cryptocurrency assets.
The under investigation (VAT) Value added Tax repayment scam also involves another 250 fake companies that caused $1.9 million worth of loss to the National Tax and Revenue department. 

The accused persons made several attempts to claim the fake VAT amount which they were not awed. In addition to it, the arrested guys used fake IDs, Unregistered prepaid sim cards and completely fake business invoices to prove their business activities. 

The Deputy Director of UK HRMC “Nick Sharp” further added

"This is the first seizure of NFTs in the UK and a clear message to those indented to hide their income from HRMC"   

We are constantly watching and exploring the new ways and systems to get those red-handed who are planning to hide their identity in order to plot any fraud with State Department  

What do you guys say about this seizure of NFTs by the UK HMRC?. Do let us know about it in the comments.

Friday, February 11, 2022

JP Morgan Anticipated Long Term Price Value of Bitcoin Has Significant Chances to Hit $150K Level.


The world Famous Global Financial Investment Giant JP Morgan has recently anticipated that most probably the future price of the King of Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin has significant potential to hit the price range of $150k near time in the future. However, the Financial experts of JP Morgan clearly stated that the fair and balanced price of Bitcoin will likely remain around $38K - $40K. Moreover, they also added the biggest barrier that is not letting the King of Cryptos Bitcoin move forward is its unpredictable volatility and the boom and bust scenario that is preventing more financial institutions from its further adoption.

JPMorgan’s Bit coin Price Forcast

World-renowned Global Financial investment bank JPMorgan has recently unveiled its crypto currency and financial experts prediction about the long-term potential and expected hikes in the price range of Bitcoin along with the fair price value range of the world top Cryptocurrency Bitcoin.The team of financial experts and cryptocurrency strategists supervised by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou mentioned in their recent research work on Tuesday that all eyes of his research and technical analysts are on the moves of Bitcoin and that is mostly viewed at $145k- $150k in the long term as it was anticipated last year as well.     

At this level, Bitcoin’s total market value would be on par with that of all gold held privately for investment purposes, they explained.

Right now the total market worth of Bitcoin will be the equivalent of the privately held Gold that most investors still hold for investment purposes.

However, the cryptocurrency experts and analysts did explain the fair price value of Bitcoin for the current year is $38K that was technically analysed last year as the previous year fair value of Bitcoin was anticipated around $35 K 

The team also stated that the current fair value of Bitcoin is roughly four times volatile as Gold. They further explained that if in case this volatility comes down to thee times then folks should expect the fair price value of BTC around $50 k level. 

The JPMorgan Financial Analyst & strategists said 

The biggest barrier that is not letting the King of Cryptos Bitcoin move forward is its unpredictable volatility and the boom and bust scenario that is preventing more financial institutions from its further adoption.  

The current market price of Bitcoin is at & 43,856 entirely based on the data taken by Bitcoin.com Market price. Moreover, the price of Bitcoin is almost 19% higher over the last seven days and nearly 5% up since the last 30 days. 
In addition to it, the Most recent client survey of JP Morgan indicates that a large number of holders are expecting the price level of Bitcoin this year would hit the $60 K range again.  


On the other side of the current picture, the CEO of JP Morgan Jamie Dimon constantly warns crypto lovers not to invest in cryptocurrencies as it has no intrinsic value in the financial market. He further added last October that 

Bitcoin seems worthless as the asset does not hold any intrinsic value and raises significant concerns and questions on its limited supply. 

What do you folks understand by the statements given by JP Morgan’s Financial and Cryptocurrency experts about Bitcoin price prediction? Do let us know about it in the comments section.  


Saturday, August 28, 2021

The co-Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad is determined That Bitcoin is the Investment of Great Worth and A Bright Future.


The author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki says “Bitcoin has a significant upside future” He added that he is in strong favour of Cryptocurrency Investment, as he can't rely on Political leaders, Federal Reserve, Treasury and not even in the stock market.  

Robert Kiyosaki Unveils Why He is Buying Bitcoin, Exposes the Cryptocurrencies Have a Bright Future.

Robert Kiyosaki the well-known author of the world's best-selling book about financial investment name Rich Dad poor Dad shared on Tuesday why he is in strong favour of Bitcoin investment just because Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies have a great potential to replace the major financial assets. The cryptocurrency market seems the best place to invest according to the current financial market situation.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of the greatest books of 1997 till now that was written by Robert Kiyosaki and another author and The New York Times declared it one of its top-selling books for six consecutive years which was translated into 51 different languages and sold in 109  countries of the world.

Kiyosaki shared a tweet on Tuesday right after bitcoin’s price broke the $50,000 level of resistance after April 2021.

Bitcoin is above $50,000. Good news for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Holders. Surprising and not a good idea for mom and pop as well. One of the main reasons for my investment in bitcoin, gold, & silver is because I don't want to rely on our political leaders, the Fed, the Treasury Department and can not even trust over the current stock market. I am afraid we can't even rely on the Mom and Pop community.

The Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki’s tweeted on Monday about the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies booming situation where digital assets are getting more attention and crowd around it. He further explained that Bitcoin has the power to drop the Dollar and almost each of the trending assets. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are trending everywhere including Canada, France, the USA and other developed economies of the Financial world.

Robert Kiyosaki is one of those Financial advisors who has been asking people to invest in Bitcoin and trending Cryptocurrencies quite a Long time ago and has been telling people that the Dollar might drop soon. He also warned Cryptocurrency Investors about the biggest crypto market crash of June. He has been in the favour of Buying on Dips.

What you guys say about Robert Kiyosaki recent comments about Bitcoin and other investment assets like Gold and Silver, Do let us know in the comments section.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

World wide Cryptocurrency Adoption Index Rises more than Expectations to 881%.Mostly contributed by South Asian Countries.


Blockchain information company Chainalysis has published its 2021 Cryptocurrency Adoption Index, which positions 154 nations by crypto adoption. As indicated by the firm, worldwide crypto reception has developed by more than 2,300% since Q3 2019 and more than 881% somewhat recently. 

New Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index 

Image source news.bitcoin.com

On Wednesday, Chainalysis distributed a see of its 2021 Geography of Cryptocurrency report, which will be delivered in September. The report contains the "2021 Chainalysis Global Crypto Adoption Index," the organization's subsequent emphasis "to gauge grassroots cryptocurrency adoption all throughout the planet." 

The blockchain information examination firm clarified that its Global Crypto Adoption Index consists of three measurements. The first is "on-chain digital money esteem, weighted by buying influence equality (PPP) per capita." The second is "on-chain retail esteem moved, weighted by PPP per capita," and the third is "shared (P2P) trade exchange volume, weighted by PPP per capita and number of web clients." 

Chainalysis noticed that the greatest change to its new crypto adoption record approach from last year's list "was the disposal of a fourth measurement," which was the "Quantity of stores by country weighted by [the] number of web clients." The organization depicted: 

We rank each of the 154 nations as per every one of those three measurements, take the mathematical mean of every nation's positioning in every one of the three, and afterward standardize that last number on a size of 0 to 1 to give each country a score that decides the general rankings. The nearer the country's last score is to 1, the higher the position. 

As per the 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index, Vietnam positions first, trailed by India, Pakistan, Ukraine, Kenya, Nigeria, Venezuela, and the U.S. 

The main 20 nations in Chainalysis' 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index and their rankings in the part measurements that make up the general positioning. Source: Chainalysis. 

China and the U.S. plunged in the new by and large positioning. Last year, China positioned fourth by and large while the U.S. positioned 6th. This year, the U.S. positions eighth while China positions thirteenth. "The main motivation the two nations dropped is that their rankings in P2P exchange volume weighted for web utilizing populace declined drastically — China tumbled from 53rd in this part to 155th, while the U.S. tumbled from sixteenth to 109th," Chainalysis point by point. 

Cryptocurrency adoption has soared over the most recent year, and the variety in the nations adding to that show that digital currency is a really worldwide wonder … Global reception has developed by more than 2,300% since Q3 2019 and more than 881% somewhat recently. 

What's your opinion on Chainalysis' Crypto Adoption Index? Tell us in the remarks segment beneath.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Most Recent Surveys Unveil, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano are the Most Favorite Cryptocurrencies of Singapore's Investors.

A recently conducted survey exposes that ethereum is the most famous Cryptocurrency among more than 4,000 grown-ups studied in Singapore. The second-most famous crypto is bitcoin, trailed via Cardano. 

Singapore-Based Cryptocurrency Investors Prefer Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cardano 

The newly published report of  2021 discloses about the 

 Most favorite Cryptocurrencies of the people of Singapore, a joint report by Cryptocurrency exchanges and service providers like Seedly, Gemini, and well-known Coinmarketcap, was revealed on  Monday. It contains an overview of 4,348 Singapore-based grown-ups ages 18 to 65 across fluctuating family wages. 

A survey was conducted between June 29 and July 9. It included almost 2,800 participants who said they were current crypto holders and 1,490 respondents who said they were non-crypto holders. One out of five crypto holders reviewed were females.

As per the survey results, 77% of participants who held crypto said they invested in ethereum (ETH), 68% said bitcoin (BTC), 41% said they stored Cardano (ADA), 31% said (BNB), and 25% said XRP. The report reflects.

The report notes: "With ETH, BTC, and ADA being the most well-known digital currencies across the two sexes, females hold and exchange XRP and DOT [polkadot] more than their male partners. USDT [tether], then again, is more mainstream among male crypto holders." 

Cryptocurrency Investors additionally unhid how they were influenced by the Covid-19. The report notes, "Out of 2,862 individuals who put resources into crypto, 66% of them put more into crypto in light of the Covid-19 pandemic." The report also shows "The Covid-19  has made more Singaporeans to hold their financial investment into Cryptocurrencies." 

What's your opinion on this overview? Tell us in the remarks segment underneath.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A District Court of Israel Sentenced a Man For 8 Years In Prison, Convicted for $7Millions Worth of Cryptocurrency Theft.


Afek Zard, a Resident of Israel, has been sent to Jail for eight years for stealing a huge amount of digital Currency that had a place with a companion of his. The man, who would not help out the investigation, should pay a heavy fine also.


An Israeli Resident will spend 8 years in Jail for CryptoCurrency Theft


The 27-year-old Zard faced the sentence from the District Court, according to Israeli media 
Ynet announced for the current week. As indicated by the site, Zard took 75,000 DASH 
worth an expected 22 million Israeli shekels ($6.8 million). The fiat identical traces back
 to the time the robbery occurred. The coins' present worth is twice as high.

Zard, who has not returned a solitary scramble right up 'till today, has been indicted for 
robbery in exasperating conditions and different offenses. The court has additionally forced
 a fine of 5,000,000 shekels (approx. $1.55 million) and a most extreme
 pay of 258,000 shekels (nearly $80,000).

The crypto criminal, an occupant of Eilat in Southern Israel, exploited his fellowship
 with the person in question, distinguished beforehand as Alexei Yaromenko,
who had put resources into cryptographic money. Zard approached his loft
 where he supposedly hacked into Yaromenko's PC and gained the subtleties 
of his computerized wallet with run (DASH), which was selling for $82.5 per coin at
 that point.

Throughout the trial, Afek Zard denied all allegations, didn't help out the Israeli police, 
and wouldn't give them the passwords to his very own PC and cellphone. 
Therefore, specialists couldn't hold onto the taken advanced coins.

During the court procedures, Judge Yoel Eden decided that the litigant's declaration 
was problematic. Eden sentenced him for all supposed offenses that likewise incorporate 
hacking into PC hardware, illegal tax avoidance, misrepresentation, and personal assessment 

The arraignment had mentioned Zard to be condemned to somewhere in the range of 12 
and 15 years in jail for violations including another cash. Be that as it may, his guard figured
 out how to persuade the court to give a diminished sentence of 8-year genuine 
detainment in addition to probation. Zard's legal advisor, Giora Hazan, contended that
 albeit the offense was submitted on another stage, the actual harm was "ordinary and old."

What's your assessment of the court's choice on account of the huge cryptographic money robbery in Israel? Tell us in the remarks segment underneath.


Sunday, July 25, 2021

JP Morgan Starts 5 Cryptocurrency Trading Funds To Its Customers Initially


Senior Leadership of Jp Morgan, A Renowned Global Investment Bank in the USA Has permitted its Assets Management Advisory Board to Start offering 5 Different Cryptocurrency Based assets for its clients across the board. Cryptocurrency-based funds management services are available for customers who are looking for funds advisory services through JP Morgan’s Investment Advice department. The is honored to be the first Global  Investment management Bank expanding its trading network to Cryptocurrency based Digital assets exclusively for Big whales.

JPMorgan Welcomes To Cryptocurrency Based Funds Management Services

JPMorgan has given its Financial Advisory Management and Trading Consultants the go-ahead to give every one of its customers acceptance to 5 cryptocurrency assets, the Insider announced Thursday, referring to individuals straightforwardly acquainted with the matter. 

This move makes JPMorgan the main huge bank to grow crypto exchanging access past super affluent customers, the distribution passed on. 

In a notice conveyed recently, JPMorgan told its Financial Assets Management Consultants that by July 19, they can take requests to buy and sell five different digital currency products. Four of the digital currency products are from Grayscale Investments: Bitcoin Trust, Bitcoin Cash Trust, Ethereum Classic Trust, 
and Ethereum Trust. The fifth endorsed store is Osprey Funds' Bitcoin Trust. 

An individual straightforwardly acquainted with the move said that the new contribution applies to all JPMorgan customers looking for speculation guidance, including the bank's self-coordinated customers utilizing its bonus-free Chase exchanging application, mass rich customers whose resources are overseen by monetary consultants under JPMorgan Advisors, and ultrarich customers.

JPMorgan has made some amazing progress concerning cryptographic money. In 2017, CEO Jamie Dimon took steps to terminate workers who exchanged bitcoin. He said in May this year that his recommendation to individuals is to "stay away" from digital currencies, including bitcoin. Notwithstanding, he recognized that his customers need to put resources into this resource classification. 

As of late, Mary Callahan Erdoes, J.P. Morgan Asset and Wealth Management's CEO, said that large numbers of the bank's customers see crypto as a resource class and need to put resources into it. 

With this crypto move, JPMorgan joins a developing number of speculation banks that have offered or are wanting to bring to the table some sort of crypto ventures or administrations to customers, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup.

What's your opinion about JPMorgan offering customers admittance to digital money reserves while Jamie Dimon prompted against putting resources into digital forms of money? Tell us in the remarks segment beneath.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Top Uk Bank Natwest Holds Payments To Binance Exchange, Following the Decision of British Banks Barclays and Santander


United Kingdom’s  Bank NatWest Stops all transactions to Binance, World’s Largest Cryptocurrency Exchange, After the FCA Several Warnings To Binance. The same decision was made By Barclays Bank and Santander in recent month

Natwest Will No More Entertain Transferring Funds To Binance 

Well-known Uk Bank Natwest Has Announced And Warned Its Customers That The Natwest Banks Policies Do Not Allow Its Customers To Transfer Funds To Binance As Financial Conduct Authority Uk Has Issued Warnings To All British Banks About The Unauthorised Access To Binance Is A Financial Crime. Natwest Is Considered One Of The Main Street Uk Bank Rendering Its Financial Services To Almost 20 Million Clients Across Uk And Ireland Since Decades.

 Officials Of Natwest Shared That We Have Been Watching Closely All Cryptocurrency Scams Involve Million Pounds Sterling Worth Incidents, Robbing People Through Social Media, and Different Channels. Mega Crypto Scams Have Been Reported In Various Retail And Business Banking Sectors In The Previous Months. Banking Regulations Decided To Rescue Hard Earned Of British Nation.

"To shield our clients from the hoodlums abusing these stages, we're briefly lessening the most extreme everyday sum that a client can transfer digital currency back to his accounts as payments." 


Our Clients Can In Any Case Receive Crypto Payments From Elsewhere 

The U.K's. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) gave alerts about Binance on June 26 expressing that the crypto exchange was not allowed to take part in directed processing of unauthorized cryptocurrency activities. 

Following the FCA's admonition, Barclays prevented customers from sending assets to Binance. Santander Bank stuck to this same pattern and obstructed installments to the crypto trade. 

Binance has suspended GBP withdrawals and EUR stores using SEPA bank moves and specialist co-ops Faster Payments and Clear Junction have quit preparing installments for the crypto trade. In the interim, Visa and Mastercard said they are observing Binance's administrative consistency and have not cut binds with the organization. 

Other than the FCA, a developing rundown of controllers has given admonitions against Binance, remembering controllers for Hong Kong, Lithuania, Italy, Thailand, Cayman Islands, and Japan. 

What's your opinion about banks impeding installments to Binance? Tell us in the remarks area beneath.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

US Senator Reveals His Crypto Investment IN Bitcoin & Ethereum

Patrick Tommey, A Renowned US Senator Recently  Announced That He Has Invested  In The Gray Scale Trust Of Bitcoin And Ethereum. After A Short While Another US Senator  Barry Moor Also Exposed That He Has Also Invested In Doge, Ethereum, And Cardano.

US Senators Involved in Cryptocurrency Investment

An Increasing Number Of Us Officials Are Personally Interested In Cryptocurrency Investment Like Many Renowned Us Billionaire. As Per Periodic Transaction Report Submitted On July 7, 2021, By Us Senator Patrick Tommey.
Tommey Further told About His Personal Cryptocurrency Investment Between $1000 To $15000.Tommey Further Explained That Both Of these Investment Have Been Done Through Gray Scale Trusts Respectively.

The congressperson's ventures have diminished in esteem since his buys. He put digital assets into Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) on June 15 when the price was around $33.23. At the hour of composing, it has tumbled to $27.65. Concerning his interest in Grayscale Ethereum Trust, the price was $24.45 on June 14 when gotten it, however, has since dropped to $20.41 at the hour of composing. Toomey has as of late voiced worries about the crypto guideline. A couple of days before putting investment into Grayscale's bitcoin and ethereum trusts, the congressperson composed a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen asking the Treasury Department to "make huge updates" to the crypto proposition by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). He accepts that if the current proposition is received, "they would adversely affect monetary innovation (fintech), the crucial security of Americans, and endeavors to battle illegal action." He likewise raised worries about FATF's direction. The official from Pennsylvania isn't the solitary U.S. congressperson with bitcoin-related investment. The blunt supportive of bitcoin U.S. Congressperson Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming possesses around five bitcoins. She urged "CRYPTO ENTHUSIASTS" to purchase and hold" BTC. "I urge them to save bitcoin for their retirement, for their future." As of late, U.S Agent Barry Moore from Alabama likewise announced his digital money speculations. He purchased Dogecoin (DOGE), ether (ETH), and Cardano (ADA). What's your opinion about Senator Pat Toomey putting resources into bitcoin and ether through Grayscale's trusts? Tell us in the remarks section

Sunday, June 27, 2021

What Is Grayscale Bitcoin Trust? And How Does it Affect Bitcoin Price?.


What Is the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust? 

The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust is an advanced cash venture item that singular financial backers can purchase and sell in their own money market funds. On January 21, 2020, it's anything but an SEC announcing organization, enrolling its offers with the Commission, and assigning the Trust as the principal advanced cash venture vehicle to accomplish the situation with a revealing organization by the SEC. This will permit certify financial backers who bought shares in the Trust's private situation to have a previous liquidity opportunity, as the legal holding time of private position offers would be decreased from a year to a half year, as per SEC principles. 

More About the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust 

The Grayscale Investment Trust was initially launched as The Bitcoin Investment Trust in Sept. 2013 as a private arrangement to certify financial backers and, later on, got FINRA endorsement for qualified offers to exchange freely. This implies that financial backers approach to purchase and sell public portions of the Trust under the image GBTC. Grayscale Investments considers it a customary venture vehicle with shares named in the financial backer's name. Albeit the Trust isn't an ETF itself, Grayscale says it's demonstrated on famous ware venture items like the SPDR Gold Trust, a truly sponsored ETF. 
GBTC is exchanged freely on the OTCQX, an over-the-counter market, under the Alternative Reporting Standard for organizations not needed to enroll with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Its prosperity reflects that of Bitcoin because its worth is gotten exclusively from that digital currency. 

As of September 11, 2019, GBTC had around $2.16 billion in resources under administration (AUM) and 2.4 million offers remarkable. The trust requires a base venture of $50,000 and charges a yearly expense of 2.0 percent, which accumulates every day, for licensed financial backers who wish to buy into the Trust as a private situation. Then, Financial Institutions are definitely qualified to purchase just one portion of the GBTC public citation. 

Grayscale proposes that its administration of the asset is worth more than the yearly charge, and one of its significant selling focuses is its security. Putting away cryptographic money securely is famously difficult, and the organization guarantees financial backers that the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust's resources "are defended by a powerful security framework that utilizes industry-driving security principles." 
As a speculation vehicle that exchanges over-the-counter, GBTC is accessible for financial backers to purchase and sell similarly to practically any U.S. security. For instance, GBTC can be exchanged through a financier firm, and it's likewise accessible inside charge advantaged accounts like IRAs or 401(k)s. 

Weaknesses of GBTC 

Andrew Left of Citron Research has openly censured the Grayscale Investment Trust, and Citron has tweeted that GBTC is the "most perilous path to possess Bitcoin." Possible detriments of putting resources into the Trust incorporate paying high expenses alongside the yearly charge, alongside the danger factors related to the general instability in the digital money market, just as with speculations vehicles that aren't needed to enroll with the SEC. 

. In Sept. 2018, portions of GBTC were exchanged at a high of $7.95, which was around 20% higher than the worth of the bitcoin inside the trust that each offer addressed around then. Albeit that premium is huge, it's lower than it has been previously — GBTC has shut at costs multiple occasions the worth of its basic bitcoins. Grayscale does claim that costs are always directed by the market and not by Grayscale itself, so value variances might be an aftereffect of market interest. 

As of Oct. 2018, each portion of GBTC was thoroughly addressed under 0.001 bitcoin. That implies it would take over 1,000 portions of GBTC to possess one bitcoin. GBTC has seen a consistent expansion in 2k17 and topped toward the year's end. In any case, its presentation in 2018 has changed, and generally, GBTC has declined, with an almost 65% year-to-date decay as of Oct. 2018. More intense decreases could imply that offers can lose most or even the entirety of their worth. In 2019, as Bitcoin's cost has commonly moved vertically, GBTC has followed.